FabriX, a trailblazer in digital fashion, continues its global journey by debuting at Pitti Immagine Uomo 2025 in Florence on January 14. Following its successful showcase at Paris Fashion Week in September 2024 and recognition with the HKFDA’s ‘Top 10 Fashion Visionaries Award 2024’, FabriX is revolutionizing fashion with technology, seamlessly blending the physical and virtual worlds.
Founded in 2022 with the support of the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA, formerly CreateHK) and PMQ, FabriX was created as a platform to showcase Hong Kong’s digital fashion designers on international virtual runways. Now, FabriX is a global force, having graced two of Europe’s most prestigious fashion weeks since 2023.
The mission behind FabriX is to become the ultimate Digital Fashion Hub and Curated Marketplace, combining cutting-edge artistry with commercial opportunities. By collaborating with designers, fashion houses, tech innovators, influencers, and media, FabriX envisions a future where digital fashion is integrated into everyday life.
At Pitti Immagine Uomo, the world’s leading men’s fashion tradeshow, visitors can experience the future of fashion through the FabriX AR Try-on Kiosk 2.0.1. This immersive, phygital experience allows users to try on, capture selfies, promote designs in digital format, and pre-order exclusive digital fashion pieces, including outfits made for Roblox avatars.
FabriX will showcase new digital fashion items from four emerging designers, along with 13 curated pieces from the recent Paris Fashion Week. These creations highlight the innovation and creativity driving digital fashion today.
The FabriX experience is guided by Founder Shin Wong, Designer’s Curator Declan Chan, and Executive Director of PMQ, William To. Together, they continue to push the boundaries of virtual fashion, offering a glimpse into the future of the industry.
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