The 100th edition of Pitti Bimbo, the renowned children’s fashion show, will take place in Florence on January 22-23, 2024. The event will feature over 150 exhibitors, with 65% of them coming from outside Italy. This year’s show will introduce a more streamlined format, cutting down the event to two days and focusing more on attracting buyers, reflecting changes in the children’s fashion industry.
For the first time, Pitti Bimbo will offer free entry to buyers and provide discounts on train fares and hotel rates for those traveling to Florence. The venue, Fortezza da Basso, will also see a change in entrance, with access now available through the Porta Faenza entrance.
The show’s new layout, redesigned by architect Ilaria Marelli from Milan’s Polytechnic University, will feature cost-effective, pre-designed stands that are fully equipped but customizable. These changes are aimed at making participation easier for exhibitors.
Agostino Poletto, managing director of Pitti Immagine, explained, “Pitti Bimbo’s 100th edition is a milestone. We’re evolving to support businesses financially while also focusing on aesthetics. This year, we aim to curate a selection of exhibitors that creates a harmonious and engaging environment for buyers. It’s a collective effort where both exhibitors and the event contribute to its success.”
Antonio Cristaudio from Pitti Immagine also noted the shifts in the children’s fashion market. While Europe is seeing slower growth, regions like Russia, the Middle East, and the USA are moving faster. “Italian producers are now exporting 57-58% of their output outside the European Union. We’ve worked with ICE to bring international buyers, including those from Seoul, the Middle East, and the UK.”
The theme for this edition is “fire,” symbolizing creativity, energy, and transformation. In the show’s campaign, fire is brought to life through a mix of static images and animations, reflecting its role as both an ancestral force and a symbol of inspiration.
The new layout embraces an urban concept, featuring four themed “city squares”: My First (for newborns), Magic Party (occasion wear), Be Sporty (outdoor wear), and Snowtime (winter wear). The format will also allow for a broader range of exhibitors, including those offering accessories, food, and lifestyle products.
Among the brands debuting at Pitti Bimbo, Blauer Junior will showcase limited-edition puffer jackets with original Liberty prints and a waxed ripstop fabric version. Roy Roger’s Kids will launch the Miniroy capsule collection, catering to younger denim fans.
To celebrate its 100th edition, Pitti Bimbo will also feature exclusive limited-edition clothing and accessories. There will be collaborations with Family Circle, a leading kids’ marketplace, and Magil, the designer behind outfits for participants of Italy’s Zecchino d’Oro children’s music competition. Additionally, the third edition of Fashion Speed Dates will offer short, focused meetings between brands and buyers or press representatives.
Pitti Bimbo 100 promises to be a dynamic and transformative event, reflecting the ongoing changes in the global children’s fashion market.
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