On October 13, 2024, Ranbir Kapoor left fans in awe with his striking appearance at a fashion show in Delhi. The actor, known for his roles in films like Animal and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, took to the ramp dressed as a traditional Indian groom.
In the viral videos and photos that quickly circulated online, Ranbir wore a white silk kurta paired with a matching churidar and carried a stole. His charming presence and flawless walk reportedly stole the show during the event, which featured Indian designer Tarun Tahiliani’s latest collection.
Fans flooded social media to praise the 42-year-old actor. Many shared their admiration in comments, with one user calling him the “most handsome man” and another describing him as the “best handsome and charming groom ever.”
Ranbir, who married actress Alia Bhatt in April 2022, is a proud father to their daughter, Raha Kapoor. Professionally, he is preparing for his upcoming role as Lord Ram in director Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan film.
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