Local Organization Hosts Fashion Show to Support Low-Cost Pet Care


2024 Pet Fashion Show

Owning a pet can be costly, with expenses ranging from food to medical care. In response, local organizations are working hard to reduce the financial burden on pet owners.

Nancy Lacy from Acadiana Spay Neuter highlighted the costs involved: “On average, spaying a dog costs about $150, while neutering a dog is around $100.”

To address these costs, Lacy is preparing for New Iberia’s first ‘Hollywoof Doggie Fashion Show,’ a unique event set to combine fun with fundraising.

“This doggie fashion show will give dogs a chance to shine on the runway. Not only will it be a fun event, but it will also raise funds for Acadiana Spay Neuter,” Lacy explained.

The funds raised from the event will help subsidize the expenses associated with spaying and neutering pets. Lacy emphasized the importance of these procedures: “Spaying and neutering offer significant health and behavioral benefits for pets. We want to ensure that cost doesn’t prevent anyone from providing these important services.”

The fashion show will feature adoptable dogs as well, with the aim of finding them new homes and educating pet owners about the importance of pet care.

“Our main goal is to educate people about the necessity of spaying and neutering,” Lacy said. “Shelters are currently overcrowded, and for every animal adopted, two more take its place. It’s crucial for pet owners to get their animals fixed to help address this issue.”

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