Laguna Beach Fashion Show Celebrates Upcycled Creativity


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In a vibrant display of creativity, the Festival of Arts’ 2024 Festival Runway Fashion Show in Laguna Beach showcased an array of imaginative fashion pieces made from upcycled materials. The event, held on August 18, attracted nearly 400 guests who marveled at the innovative designs.

Designers at the show featured a range of unusual items in their outfits, transforming everyday objects into fashion statements. Printmaker Anne Moore won the “Most Creative Concept” award for her gown adorned with 312 tea bag covers. Glass artist Cody Nicely received the “Most Exciting Ensemble Inspired by a Fashion Designer” award for his mermaid-themed outfit, which incorporated hand-dyed CDs, beach trash, and fishing line, highlighting environmental awareness.

Painter Elizabeth McGhee earned the “Most Innovative Use of Materials” award with her prom dress crafted from recycled socks. Nancy Swan took home both the “People’s Choice Award” and the “Most Glamorous and Elegant Red Carpet Worthy Creation” for her homage to legendary costume designer Edith Head, featuring bubble wrap and newspapers.

Sharbie Higuchi, Director of Marketing/PR and Merchandising at the Festival of Arts, expressed gratitude to the participating artists and those who donated clothing to Working Wardrobes, a nonprofit that helps people overcome barriers to employment. “The original, one-of-a-kind ensembles showcased by the Festival artists are truly incredible,” Higuchi said.

Attendees who brought gently used professional attire for donation received complimentary admission to the event.

Although the 2024 fashion show has ended, a video of the 2023 event is available online. For more fashion excitement, the “Art and Fashion Affair” will be held on August 24, featuring couture apparel and a fundraising spirit.

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