In a heartwarming tale of talent and determination, 9-year-old Ashton Nowers from Ferny Grove, Brisbane, is poised to make his mark on the fashion world. A student at St Williams Grovely Primary School, Ashton will unveil his debut creation at the upcoming Kidz Fashion Week Get Festive fashion show, set to take place this Saturday at the Island Glasshouse in the Gold Coast.
Ashton’s debut creation is a Christmas-themed ball gown, set to dazzle alongside over 100 aspiring models aged 5-17. This marks a significant milestone for Ashton, who harbors dreams of achieving greatness in the fashion industry from a young age.
According to Teri Svoronous, owner and director of Kidz Fashion Week, the event is dedicated to nurturing talent and promoting diversity and inclusion within the fashion industry. Ashton’s early promise and creativity have been met with enthusiasm and support, making him a standout participant at the event.
Ashton’s journey began with sketches shared by his mother, Jennie, who, despite her unfamiliarity with the fashion world, recognized Ashton’s potential and reached out to Teri. With guidance and encouragement, Ashton used his savings to collaborate with a seamstress to bring his design to life.
Reflecting on his upcoming runway debut, Ashton expresses excitement and anticipation. “The most exciting thing I’m looking forward to is seeing it come to life on a real runway,” he shares. For Ashton, walking the runway represents a culmination of his love for fashion and a significant step towards his aspirations.
Kidz Fashion Week not only provides Ashton with a platform to showcase his talent but also connects him with industry professionals such as designers, photographers, choreographers, and agents. This exposure promises to be a transformative experience, potentially catapulting Ashton into the spotlight of the fashion world.
The event is anticipated to be a highlight, not just for Ashton but for all involved, including his family, friends, and the local community. With aspirations as lofty as Surfers Paradise, Ashton Nowers is poised to captivate hearts and minds with his passion for fashion and his remarkable debut creation.
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